JavaScript Design Patterns — Behavioral — State

Nhan Nguyen
1 min readAug 15, 2024

The state pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

In this example, we create a simple state pattern with an Order class that will update the status with the next() method.

const ORDER_STATUS = {
waitingForPayment: 'Waiting for payment',
shipping: 'Shipping',
delivered: 'Delivered',

class OrderStatus {
constructor(name, nextStatus) { = name;
this.nextStatus = nextStatus;

next() {
return new this.nextStatus();

class WaitingForPayment extends OrderStatus {
constructor() {
super(ORDER_STATUS.waitingForPayment, Shipping);

class Shipping extends OrderStatus {
constructor() {
super(ORDER_STATUS.shipping, Delivered);

class Delivered extends OrderStatus {
constructor() {
super(ORDER_STATUS.delivered, Delivered);

class Order {
constructor() {
this.state = new WaitingForPayment();

next() {
this.state =;

export { Order };

A complete example is here 👉


Use this pattern when the object’s behavior depends on its state, and its behavior changes in runtime depending on that state.

I hope you found it helpful. Thanks for reading. 🙏

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